Uninstall Sync Clippings Helper

Instructions for uninstalling Sync Clippings Helper.

Uninstallation Instructions for Windows

Windows 10 and 11:

  1. Launch the Settings app.
  2. In the main Settings page, click Apps.
  3. In the list of installed applications, click on the entry for Sync Clippings Helper App, and then click Uninstall.
  4. Follow the prompts to uninstall Sync Clippings Helper.

Windows 7:

  1. Launch Control Panel.
  2. In the main Control Panel screen, click Programs → Uninstall a Program.
  3. In the list of installed applications, click on the entry for Sync Clippings Helper App, and then click Uninstall.
  4. Follow the prompts to uninstall Sync Clippings Helper.

Uninstallation Instructions for macOS

  1. Launch the Terminal app.
  2. Navigate to the installation folder by typing cd /Library/SyncClippings/2.0.0 in the console.
  3. Enter the following command to run the uninstall script with elevated system privileges: sudo ./uninstall.sh. When prompted, enter your system password to allow the script to run.
  4. Follow the prompts to uninstall Sync Clippings Helper.
  5. To delete the installation folder, enter the following commands:
    cd /Library
    sudo rm -rf ./SyncClippings

Uninstallation Instructions for Linux

The following instructions assume that Sync Clippings Helper was installed in the default location /usr/local/opt/sync-clippings.

  1. Launch the terminal app on your system.
  2. Delete the installation folder by entering these commands:
    cd /usr/local/opt/
    sudo rm -rf sync-clippings
    When prompted for the sudo password, enter your system password to permit the folder deletion.
  3. Delete the application manifest file for Sync Clippings Helper to unregister it from Firefox:
    cd ~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts
    rm syncClippings.json
  4. Finally, delete the Sync Clippings Helper settings folder:
    cd ~/.config
    rm -rf ./sync-clippings

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